lawn fertilization services in metro detroit or southeast michigan


Lawn Fertilization Services Livonia Michigan Call 248 473-7485


2025 Lawn Fertilization Prices and Contract

Without Lawn Fertilization Livonia Michigan your lawn struggle to maintain growth and color.  While Fertilizing alone will not provide a perfect lawn, it is a key component of lawn care in the Livonia Michigan area.

Fertilizer has three main elements. Nitrogen, (the first number) Phosphate, (the middle number) and Potash (the last number). Each element has a particular purpose as to what it does to a grass plant. Let us be simple here and just say that your lawn needs all of the above, but in different amounts. Nitrogen is the most used of the elements. It produces fast growth, dark color and helps thicken the grass. But a Fertilizer that is high in Nitrogen and low in Phosphate and Potash will create too much top growth and not enough root growth or energy storage for recovery.

  Lawn Aeration $299 (up to 3000 sq.ft.) $35 per 1000 sq.ft. additional

A balanced fertilizing program in Livonia Michigan for your lawn will include all three main elements. 

The level of maintenance you want to give your lawn will determine your fertilizing schedule. Some people will only fertilize in the fall, some fall and spring, and others follow a strict 4 or 6 application schedule for each year. The time to start Fertilizing is 30 days prior to the start of the growing season. . In our area that is the beginning of March to the beginning of April.  A four application program will be spread out approximately 60 days apart through the growing season .. For a Livonia Lawn Sprinkler Service contact Metro Sprinkler Services in Livonia MI.

Livonia Michigan Lawn Fertilizer Services, Lawn Fertilization Livonia Michigan